Q. Do I pay anything for the portfolio?

A. No, not at all. The portfolio is company paid; not a penny comes from your own pocket. With typical modeling agencies, you must pay for both their services and all of the costs of creating a portfolio. Radical Productions, however, is not an agency, we are a Direct Producer. Your portfolio is done through us, and is paid for by us.


Q. Will you try to sell me something?

A. This is another common problem with agencies and freelance photographers. They try to sell you everything possible, like "higher" quality prints, arts, portfolios, etc., all expensive and overloaded with hidden fees. We take care of everything for you. We pay for your portfolio, and any of the extras needed to make your portfolio high-quality, including make-up, set, etc. All that is required of you is to simply show up.


Q. Are there any expenses for me to pay at all?

A. If you are traveling by your own means, then you will have those expenses; otherwise no. If you do decide to bring money you won't be any of it spending it on us, of that you can be certain.


Q. How much can I make as a model if I am hired?

A. This is a hard question to answer, simply because pay is relative to the hired model. However, average figures are as follows: $15-$300 per hour depending on the project you are hired for, and your level of involvement in that project; shoots for working models usually last between 3-24 hours, sometimes spanning over the course of a few days. Not bad money to stand around and look pretty.

Our models are paid after the completion of each shoot; however your initiall shoot/portfolio doesn't make you a hired model, it is merely your means to apply for the job.


Q. What if I don't have my own transportation?

A. This depends on the model and the representative. Sometimes, if the potential model is particularly suited to a project, travel may be either arranged by means of a direct pick-up, or Radical Productions can purchase a round-trip ticket for the model to reach our destination via land or air common carrier. While it is preferable that a model be willing, able and comfortable traveling on his own, we understand that is not always possible, and are willing to work with potential modeling candidates on a case-by-case basis if they show they are serious about a modeling career.


Q. Can my pictures or the ones that I send in be used without my permission?

A. No. The pictures you send in pre-interview are solely to establish between you and the photographer whether you are a suitable candidate or not. While they may be used in conjunction with your portfolio, you must sign a release form and complete the interview before ANY pictures with you or any part of you can be used. As professionals, we are bound by law and therefore must have a release (complete with your signature and proof of identification) form completed before the material received or shot can be of any use to us.


Q. Do I have to send in nude photos?

A. Yes, it is a requirement. There is absolutely no room for modesty in the modeling industry, especially in body modeling. Your photos prove to us that you are comfortable with yourself, confident and bold, as well as show us in complete detail the project(s) you are best suited for, the kind of work you are interested in, etc. A picture of you leaning against a brick wall with a friend, while nice and suitable for friends or family, is not adequate for this purpose.


Q. What should the photos include?


Full body shots: (Front, Back, Side views)
Close-ups: (Face, Chest, Abs, Torso, and Abs through thighs)

Generally these photos are all that is necessary, and additional photos can be discussed with the representative contacting you.


Q. What things should I bring with me to the shoot?

A. Yourself, basically, in the most natural state you can manage. A lot of models like to shave or tweeze or pluck before they come; this is unnecessary. Any trimming or prepping you might need can be handled at the shoot and at the photographer's discretion. Come as you are, but if you know your hair flatters you better braided rather than an Afro, then by all means get it done. If a certain pair of pants suits your body better than others, wear them; we may even add it to the portfolio. Also, you must bring a photo identification. Acceptable ID's are as follows:

Military ID
State Driver's License
Non-Driver's License w/ Photo
State-licensed Gun Permit

Credit cards, social security cards, school ID's, etc. are not suitable forms of identification.


Q. What qualifies as "Modeling Experience"?

A. On the application form, we have a button indicating any prior modeling experience. By this, we are referring to any professional work done that includes your face and/or body. This does not include taking pictures with friends, for lovers, your picture on your website, or 'camming' for the enjoyment of random people.


Q. How many people will be present during my photo shoot?

A. While this depends on the representative, there are never more than 1-3 people present with the model at any given time. We don't like to overcrowd our prospective models, who may already be nervous and new to the experience. A typical team may include a photographer, a make-up artist, and occasionally an assistant. First time models are always shot solo, so there will be no other models in your shoot or posing with you.


Q. Where can I reach Radical Productions for more information?

A. We can be reached at the following addresses:

Radical Productions
PO Box 3652
Hollywood, CA 90078

And also at:

Russ, National Talent Manager
Nathaniel, Digital Editor/Admin nathancruz@radicalprods.com